Laura Rubi Meneses Adams
STEAM education
Lighting Design - coding - new media - wearables
Media Projects

México – Nov 2013 Industrial Design / Concept / Electronic I designed a costume with light applications as part of a game. With semantic approach and also as an exercise in large-scale production methods ... with preparations that entails. I designed the patterns, LED's support and the production system. Some colaborators and myself tried to sell them and we discovered that light can provide a perception of greater value that is not always good to be sold

Roma, Italy – May 2013 My Role Coding / Design / Performing In this multimedia performance, I was the performer wearing a dress controlled by a touch interface as well body movements. The performance started in total darkness and as I moved and touching my body the LED’s began to light up and at the same time audio was generated.

México and Spain – August 2008 Exhibition and International Workshop Intractivos is a 2 weeks workshop platform initialed at Media Lab Prado (Spain) that creates a space for research and collaborations for projects involving creative uses or technology, projects are selected by an international open call, wich are developed completed and displayed. I was collaborator on tree projects.

Una versión de la serie lighting up Bike Riders 2015

Prenda que cambia secuencias de iluminación de acuerdo al movimiento del ejecutante de danza. Primer lugar

Team Firts place: DI:Rubi Meneses Adams DI Daniela Maga Ing: Alejandro Martinez